Anne Arundel Community College is committed to providing programs, activities and an educational environment in which all individuals are valued, respected and secure. All members of the college community share in the responsibility to create and maintain a safe learning environment.
As part of this responsibility, the college has created an office for Sexual Violence Prevention and Awareness to ensure the safety and well-being of all members of our college community. This office provides, but is not limited to:
Learn more about the Sexual Violence Prevention and Awareness Office.
College policy prohibits all forms of sexual harassment, sexual misconduct and sex discrimination. Retaliation for reporting any such conduct is expressly prohibited.
Our policy also provides procedures for reporting sexual harassment and misconduct, as well as a path toward a timely and equitable resolution while protecting the rights of those involved.
The policy applies to AACC students, faculty, administrators, staff, volunteers, vendors and others conducting business on behalf of the college, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity or expression. It covers all prohibited actions occurring on college-owned, leased or operated premises; at college-sponsored activities (including AACC-sanctioned attendance of foreign study programs); and while doing business on behalf of the college.
Review the Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy
It’s our goal to create a supportive climate that encourages victims/survivors of sexual misconduct to report the incident(s).
College employees who have been or are being subjected to sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, or sex discrimination, or who are aware of another who has been or is being subjected to sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, or sex discrimination should notify the college Federal Compliance Officer immediately so appropriate action can be taken.
Students who have been or are being subjected to sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, or sex discrimination, or who are aware of another who has been or is being subjected to sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, or sex discrimination are strongly encouraged to notify the college Federal Compliance Officer, Department of Public Safety and Police, other appropriate college authorities or local law enforcement.
Reports may be made in person, by telephone, by e-mail, online, or anonymously to the individuals or departments to the right. All reports except those to a Confidential Resource may be shared with College officials with a legitimate need to know.
Filing a complaint is different from filing a report for information or support (the process outlined above). A complaint initiates a formal investigation, possible disciplinary actions and seeks specific relief. All complaints of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct by a student, employee or volunteer of the college should be submitted in writing and submitted to Title IX Federal Compliance Officer or designee. For more information, please review the Sexual Harassment and Misconduct Procedures.
If you need support, there are trained professionals on and off campus who provide counseling, information and help filing a report. These confidential resources will not share your information without your express permission, unless there is a continuing threat of serious harm or a legal obligation (such as the suspected abuse or neglect of a minor). When seeking support, if you're concerned about confidentiality, you should share your concerns with your counselor.
Health and Wellness Center
120 SUN Building
MD Relay: 711
Personal Counseling Services
210 Student Services Center
MD Relay: 711
Public Safety
Central Services Building
410-777-2440 office
410-777-1818 emergency
MD Relay: 711
A.A. County Police Department
911 or 410-222-7000
A.A. County Domestic Violence Hotline
A.A. County Sexual Assault Crisis Center
National Domestic Violence Hotline
800-799-SAFE (7233)
RAINN National Rape Crisis Hotline
800-656-HOPE (4673)